Chattanooga Bujinkan Dojo

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Who are we?

The Chattanooga Bujinkan Dojo has been in operation for over 20 years.  We are a private, not for profit dojo choosing to focus on the real meaning of the word "warrior".  We have trained with multiple instructors from different dojos, such as Thom Humphreys of Texas, Angie Smith of Illinois, Blake Murphy of North Carolina, Jeff Walker of Arkansas, Ira Lively of North Carolina, Craig Carrol of Tennessee and Ed "Papasan" Martin of Pennsylvania before his passing, thus gaining in our martial knowledge, and doing as Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi Sensei has indicated all practitioners in this art should do.  We have regular training sessions which are guided by Sandan Matthew McKinney with help and extra guidance from Shidoshi Christopher Sanders.  We all learn from each other as not everyone moves the same, however, the foundation is the same.  That is the nature of taijutsu.

Unfortunately, the Chattanooga Bujinkan Dojo has closed classes in Chattanooga.  Matthew, the instructor, has moved to Crossville, TN.  He is resuming training there.  

Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu

Budo Taijutsu is a collection of ancient martial arts under Grandmaster Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi of Japan. It consists of 6 Samurai Ryuha (or schools) and 3 Ninjutsu/Ninja Ryuha.  The arts themselves date back over a thousand years and were developed by Samurai and farmer alike to protect their families and country.

This art works; if it didn't, it would have died on the battlefield hundreds of years ago.  Some people may be intimidated to train in a warrior art, however, the reality is, that it was designed by people like you and us with all our strengths and weaknesses.  Thin, overweight, muscular, tall, short; it works for all.  There is no competition, thus no reason to prove ones self to anyone as each individual proceeds at their own pace.

As practitioners of this art, we are expected to be ladies and gentlemen, exercising control over our lives in everything we do.  We always try to do better today than we did yesterday, thus making our tomorrows a better place to live for everyone.

Budo Quote

Budo Quote:
"It is the soldier, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the the campus organizer, who gives us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag."
Father Dennis O'Brien, Sergeant, USMC
Gives thanks and offer up prayer for the safety of those who fight for us that our families may live free.